(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1728

If you search the web, you will find stories of how Alexa has been used to help the elderly. She can remind them to take medication, turn lights off and on, call someone for help, and schedule a ride to the doctor. This has intrigued the Front Porch Center for Innovation and Wellbeing which researches aging-related technology. They set up a study in February 2017 to see how voice assistance might help older adults.  The participants were aged 79 to 100, with most in their eighties. The official pilot study included 12 homes, but the interest in participating was so high, they created a second unofficial group. Front Porch offered a series of 7 workshops that covered topics on how to use Alexa and enable specific skills.

(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1661

Remember when Alexa first came out? She was great at connecting your smart home devices, good at setting alarms, and great for getting your kids to add items to the grocery list.  But, if you wanted to know something, you had to ask Google. Alexa wasn't good at finding facts.  She'd just say, "hmmmm, I’m not sure about that."


(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2010

Now is the time to create an Alexa skill for your brand. Why? Because 19% of American households already have a smart speaker and adoption rates are through the roof.  Wait, 19%? That isn't a lot. Why would that encourage you to get into the smart speaker world?


(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1769

What do you do during your morning commute?  Listen to music? Listen to podcasts? If you take public transportation, do you read your favorite blogs? Check the news?  Most of us do some or all these things. And as voice technology expands, we will increasingly ask for what we want from a smart speaker.


(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1569

Making money is just one of those basics of life.  We all enjoy sharing our knowledge to benefit the lives of our listeners; but many of us need to support ourselves and Create My Voice can help you do that. Generating income on smart speakers, or voice first technology, is a big topic, so we will come back to it many times. Today, though, let’s focus on one direct way to make money using Alexa and Amazon Pay.