(Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes)

Chip Edwards at PodFestExpoWhat happens when you get 1800 podcasters together? Lots of stories, lots of learning, lots of connections, lots of making new friends.

Keynote speaker, Dawn Fraser, from The Moth, shared Storytelling Tips and Tricks. Here are three tips from her talk.

First: "Be a relentless editor, ask: Does it fit my theme. Is it essential to my main point? Does it move the story along? Otherwise, cut it! "

Another tip from her talk was: " Tell stories from 'Scars' not 'Wounds' "

And a final tip I'll share from her talk is: "If you don't tell your story, who will?"

There are a lot of great speakers here at PodFestExpo. If you are a podcaster, (or are thinking about starting a podcast), you'll want to learn more about PodFestExpo.

Chip Edwards speaking at PodFestExpo about how Smart Speakers are Affecting Your Brand.So, what is Create My Voice doing at PodFestExpo? Chip is talking about "How Smart Speakers are Affecting Your Brand". He says: "Like it or not, your audience is using Smart Speakers like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Smart Speakers are part of a shift in how people will access your content. It's important that you have a Voice App with your own Invocation Name to protect your brand and provide a way for your audience to interact with your content."

If you want to know more, schedule a meeting or reach out on social media.