Create My Voice gives you a new platform using Voice Technology.

Photo by John Tekeridis from Pexels
What is Voice Technology?
With voice technology, someone uses their voice to interact with their computer. They use their voice to control, rather than a keyboard or a touchscreen. Voice technology is the words you say turned into commands a computer can execute.
How are your listeners using Voice Technology?
Voice technology is being pioneered by smart speakers such as Amazon's Alexa, Google's Home, and Apple's Siri. The use of smart speakers is on the rise. By the end of 2018, nearly half of American households are expected to be actively using smart speakers. And current users of smart speakers say that they are changing over to their speaker from radio, TV, and screens.
Why should you use voice technology for your content?
Your audience is adopting voice technology through smart speakers at an astonishing rate. Canalys is forecasting 100 million units will be in use by the end of 2018. In NPR and Edison's research, smart speaker users report that they are choosing to use their smart speakers over their smartphones and laptops. 24% of podcast listeners who own a smart speaker say they listen exclusively on their smart speaker. Create My Voice believes that blogs will join the trend soon. Why? Because voice technology is simply easier and faster than using a screen.
What does Create My Voice do for you?
Under the name of your podcast or blog, your latest content is offered automatically. Your listeners also have the option to search your content or to hear a special message from you. Please use this Podcaster's link or this Blogger's link for specific information.
What do you want?
You want to be available through voice technology! Create My Voice will give you the opportunity to reach a new audience and delight your current one. "Just ask Alexa for my content."