Chip Edwards
(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2839

"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 41"

Smart speaker placed on a wooden deskA study published by researchers at the University of Michigan in 2019 showed that voice assistants could be hacked. The study, conducted in collaboration with the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo showed voice assistants could be hacked via lasers.

Oddly, microphones were shown to interpret the light signals as voice commands which theoretically left them vulnerable to attacks. You may be thinking that using a laser to talk to a smart speaker is far-fetched. However, it points out that all technology comes with some level of risk, and that we must weigh the added convenience of new technology against any potential risk.  Sometimes the added convenience is worth the risk and sometimes added precaution is in order.  Let’s look at some of the risks and precautions.

Chip Edwards
(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 3495

"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 40"

Smart Speaker and Smartphone on a desk.  Voice assistants are most commonly found on smartphones and smart speakersVoice assistants are becoming the norm. According to, the number of digital voice assistants in the wild will rise to 8.4 billion in 2024. Currently, the number is estimated to be about 4.2 billion.

The two most widely recognized devices with a voice assistant; are smartphones and smart speakers. However, the use cases for both differ wildly. Smartphones are by definition more personal devices, and smart speakers are usually meant for anyone to use. Smartphones are meant to be taken wherever you go and smart speakers lie on the kitchen table or bedside table.

What does this difference mean?

Chip Edwards
(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 1783

"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 39"

Hand reaching for a smart speaker on a shelf next to a potted plantThe initial capabilities of Voice Assistants were developed “in-house”, by Amazon, Google, Apple, and other Voice Assistant creators.  However, many new abilities are being added by brand owners building Voice Apps. Anyone can use these Voice Apps, just by saying the name of the Voice App, sometimes referred to as an Invocation Name or Verbal Domain Name. And, as you might imagine, naming these Voice Apps is causing a problem for brands. Let’s look at why a brand should secure its Invocation Name ASAP.

Chip Edwards
(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2053

"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 38"

Google Assistant has more natural sounding voices available to Google ActionsBoth Amazon and Google have recently improved how their Voice Assistants sound.  Amazon added additional reading styles and Google added two new English voices.  You can read about the improvements that Amazon made in a previous blog post titled “The Voices are Getting Better”.   In this blog post, we will focus on recent improvements Google made to how Google Assistant sounds.  For Google Actions, Google previously provided four English voices, two male voices, and two female voices.  Google recently added two additional voices for a total of six-voice options.  The two new voices sound significantly more natural.

Let’s hear what they sound like.

Chip Edwards
(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
Voice Notes
Hits: 2811

"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 37"

Person wearing an Apple watchAccording to a Google study published in 2018, nearly 27% of the global online population uses voice search on mobile. And in a 2020 report titled Hearables Consumer Adoption Report 2020, the “Voicebot consumer surveys showed growth of 103% of voice assistant use through hearables during the period. That translated into 43.7 million U.S. adults in 2020 up from 21.5 million in 2018.”

The Voice Assistant is moving from the Smart Speaker and Smartphone, into other devices like smartwatches, smart rings, and even wireless headphones and earbuds.  Wearables or Hearables, are making it even easier to access digital Voice Assistants.

Today, nearly every pair of wireless earbuds or headphones you buy has the option to call on a voice assistant. This has expanded the use of voice assistants and opened up a world of possibilities. Let’s examine that.