(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)
"Alexa or Hey Google,
Ask Create My Voice to Read Blog Post 44"

See how Artificial Intelligence is being used write articles.  AI is more advanced than many people know.

Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) has been advancing behind the scenes for many years.  We've heard of "deep fakes" and "clickbait", which are some examples of how AI has been used in shady ways. But almost everyone has a SmartPhone and Smart Speaker, and when we talk to our Voice Assistant, we are speaking to a form of Artificial Intelligence.  While AI started out, without much intelligence, it's clear that AI is getting much smarter.  AI has moved past quick answers, now AI can be used to write entire articles. And now I'm not sure if recent news articles were actually written by a human.  The following blog post was generated automatically by just providing the subject I wanted to write about.  What do you think?

How Smart Speakers Can Help Care for the Elderly

You may have heard about how smart speakers are great for playing music, reading the news, and checking the weather. But did you know that they can also help care for elderly loved ones? Many seniors are finding that having a speaker in their home is an excellent way to stay connected with family members. This article will discuss some of the ways that using voice assistant technology can be beneficial to aging-in-place seniors.

Voice assistant technology will help seniors to stay in touch with loved ones. Smart Speakers make it easy to drop in on a loved one, meaning you can start a video call with them just by asking your voice assistant. This allows seniors to see and speak with family members as often as they like without having to schedule time for face-to-face visits or make long-distance calls.

Voice assistant technology will help seniors stay connected in an emergency situation. The Drop-In feature also means that if something should happen to the elderly individual at home (like a fall), they don't need to get to a phone, they can just ask their voice assistant to call for help.

Smart speakers can help seniors with dementia or Alzheimer’s to take their medication by reminding them to take their medication and checking back in to make sure they remembered.

Voice assistant technology is also great for reminding seniors about appointments or events in their day-to-day life. Like if they have an appointment at the doctor's office later that afternoon, all they need to do is tell Alexa and she'll let them know what time it is coming up so that the senior will be ready.

For even more convenience, you can use Alexa to order groceries and household items with Amazon Prime. You can also connect your loved one's smart speaker or device to a Smart Home System so they're able to control the lights in their home just by asking for it.

It can provide an excellent way for them to listen to music that they enjoy, check the weather or news headlines, and more!

Smart speakers are great because they allow users to verbally communicate instead of having to type out messages on phones. Plus, it's less intrusive than having them constantly checking their phones for updates or messages.

The device can be customized to the user's preferences and needs, such as changing notifications and volume levels, which is much easier than if they had to do it themselves on a phone. This way you know that your loved one is not missing anything important while someone else is in charge of making those changes for them!

With all these benefits, smart speakers are proving to be very helpful tools for seniors who want an easy-to-use technology that will help make life better without causing stress over complicated devices.

When used properly at home - whether by using it yourself or installing it into your senior parent's room - Voice-Assistant enabled products (like Amazon Alexa and Google Home) can provide many benefits and conveniences.